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li  Stiprintuvai TV ir SAT
li  Stiprintuvai WiFi ryšio
li  Stiprintuvai, kartotuvai, retransliatoriai GSM 3G UMTS 4G LTE interneto ir mobiliojo ryšio skirti galutiniam vartotojui
li  Stiprintuvai, kartotuvai, skirti operatoriams, profesionalūs, Proffesional & Band selective repeaters
li  Stiprintuvų. ryšio kartotuvų priedai
li  TechniSat HDVision LCD televizoriai
li  TV rozetės ir jų priedai
li  Vaizdo stebėjimo sistemos

Paieška prekių kataloge

Industrial repeaters
  Mobile network repeaters
       GSM 3G 4G

Užsakymų ypatumai


N kištukas suveržiamas 5D-FB kabeliui

Antena UMTS 2000P12D 3G

Kainų informacija

Siųskite užklausimą , nurodydami dominančias pozicijas.

Verta pasidomėti

Televizijos antenos

Skaitmeninei DVBT televizijai

   Pamirškite baltas zonas   
Mes priimsime signalą ten ,
     kur  kiti  neįstengia      ! 


Ieškome_firmų_bei_privačių____ instaliuotojų_visoje_Lietuvoje___ montavimui_antenų_ir_komplektų

Tai bent...
Mūsų specialistams teko garbė susipažinti su naujausiu palydovinės technikos stebuklu. Neįtikėtina, bet jau sukurta nedidelių matmenų palydovinė antena,  stiprinanti 100dB !

57310394 Apsilankymų




Produkto detalės

Programatorius CAS3+ (plus)

Description of article: AVAILABLE!!!    
The CAS 3 plus consists of equipment also functionalities of the CAS 2 inclusive CAS 2 Addons contained.
Apart from this innovation there are some other points to mention however still:
The CAS 3 plus can emulate a correct CI pit can:
That means thus that one does not have to put a module no more into the PC around it to e.g. program.
Likewise the CAS 3 can plus all well-known maps program and repair.
Basic functions of the CAS 3 plus interfaces:   
USB Full speed connection with 12 MBit   RS-232 connection   20 pin connection for external connections  
Internal Clock speed 48 MHz  
No external power pack necessarily  
Full PCMCIA support  
Full support for future Wireless applications 
CAS Studio software support
Following now the basic functions described somewhat more in detail:
Magic module, matrix module, matrix revolution module, matrix Reloaded, matrix Reborn and all SIDSA were based CAMS can directly at the PCMCIA haven be described.
Owing to that 48 MHz module can most modules 4x faster be described approximately than with the CAS 2 interfaces.  
Joker Cam, Zeta CAM and all modules on the Neotion the chip set are based: These modules can be repaired and described with the provided J-map.  
T-Rex of modules:

All T-Rex of modules can be plus described directly via CAS 3.
This is many safer as if one the modules with a Receiver programmed.
Defective modules can be repaired again with those the Flash memory are likewise shot-up. 
XCAM with fishing rod and Orion chip corroding, standard and Premium versions:
All XCAM of modules can be plus described directly via CAS 3.
This is many safer as if one the modules with a Receiver programmed.
Likewise defective modules can be repaired again with those the Flash memory are incorrect.  
Maps - programming: All Cards present on the market can be programmed via USB:
So it is not to be described a problem all PIC and AVR based maps fast and surely.
Likewise can be described Titanium/OPOS and Knotcards.
Owing to the large flexibility of the CAS of 3 module also future maps can be implemented.
Also defective T-Rex Cards can be repaired.  
RS232-Phoenix Smartmouse emulation:
A Smartmouse can be emulated without problems with the RS-232.
Owing to flexible 48 MHz the Clock system one can select the following frequencies: 3.58/3.68/4.00/6.00 MHz.
Dreambox 56XX and 7000 Bootloader repair function:
Simple and problem-free repair boat the Loaders of the Dreambox are now with the CAS 3 plus possible.
CAM Explorer: Each module can be inserted into the CAS3 plus interfaces and it is like that as if it into a Receiver would be put. They can browsen by the menus, directly at the PC.
Look at yourselves the pictures at the end.
SIM maps editor: They can with this Tool its mobile phone map select (contacts) and change.
They need additionally a USB leads and a RS232 cable (with us in shop available)

Industrial GSM repeaters

Mobile network repeaters :  GSM 2G, UMTS 3G, LTE 4G

4G LTE signalo priėmimas
LoRA telemetrijos antenos
5G signalo priėmimas   
WiFi belaidžio interneto priėmimas

Ryšio stiprinimo sprendimai
Ryšio stiprinimo sprendimai GSM, UMTS, LTE (3G, 4G, 2G retransliatoriai, kartotuvai, stiprintuvai ir antenos)
GSM, 3G ir 4G kartotuvų - stiprintuvų instaliavimui reikalinga licenzija.   Naudojimą privaloma suderinti su mobiliojo tinklo operatoriumi ir gauti oficialų leidimą įrenginio įjungimui į operatoriaus mobilųjį tinklą. Mes įrengsime stiprintuvą legaliai ir suderinsime su transliuotoju.

3G ir 2G signalo priėmimas

Mobilaus ryšio stiprintuvai

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